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Your Heroine Journey

Starts Here!

You are a heart centered, awakened mother who wants to raise an empowered daughter.

You’re worried because you know that teenage anxiety and depression rates are on the rise.

You’re afraid of your daughter entering the over-sexualized world we live in and losing her innocence.

You don’t want her to make the same mistakes you made, and you don’t want to sound like your own mother, either. You want to work with her to help heal the wounding of the feminine psyche in our culture.

Maybe you’re pulling your hair out just trying to get your daughter to come out of her room and interact with the family. You are worried about the effects of social media, but you can’t get her off her phone without a fight.

Hi, I’m Elvira DiBrigit.

My name is pronounced Elveera. I am a parent mentor helping moms who feel anxious, stressed or unprepared to face the challenges as their daughters transition through puberty and adolescence. I help them build a relationship of trust and empowerment around the shared exploration of women’s cycles and the heroine’s journey.

“I believe parenting is a series of initiations toward self-actualization.”

My Journey

I was like you, doing the best I could to be a conscious parent.

When a Child is Born, So Is a Parent
When my daughter was just a baby, I went ALL IN on alternative (some might say radical) parenting strategies. I moved my family to an off-the-grid cabin in the woods, did a three-year Waldorf teacher training, became a homeschooling parent, and took nonviolent communication courses. It was all in an effort to bond me and my daughter in what I saw clearly as our inextricable growth.

So, when it came to my daughter’s tween and teen years, I thought we were all ready for the challenges of adolescence.

Surprise! I’m Not Perfect
What I hadn’t anticipated (what? moms are fallible humans, too?) was that her need for independence would coincide so exactly with my own intense needs to do the same. In a series of just 3 years, I went back to work, got divorced, re-partnered, and then I gave birth to my son. And with all of that happening, understandably, the threads of our mother-daughter relationship started to fray.

I tried different ways to connect with my daughter as she was budding into womanhood, but I was a little distracted. (To put it mildly). She was distancing herself, which I thought (or rationalized?) was expected behavior at her age. But, in truth, neither of us understood the rules of our new relationship dynamic.

Things Got Real

There was so much I deeply wanted to share with her – about her body, sexuality, even her emerging place in the world as a young woman instead of as a child. I had real doubts about whether I was passing on enough of my feminine knowledge for her to navigate the world safely and wisely.

My own doubts and discomfort with our exchanges were only compounded in our most difficult moments (“You ruined my life!”) and my 2am panic on nights when she still wasn’t home. Then, after one wrenching back-and-forth between us, we hit an impasse that lead us to not speaking to one another for almost 4 weeks.

This Was My Aha! Moment

As I struggled with how to mend the holes between us, I tried going back to our old playbook of nonviolent communication practices, and I really tried to empathize with her. Her response: “How come you only use this stuff when there’s a problem?”

I had thought my good intentions were enough, but I realized I needed to be more pro-active instead of reactive.

I began to synthesize all the training and knowledge I had, focusing on the spiritual-psychological view of human development and how I could apply it to healing my relationship with my daughter.

Calling back to what I knew intuitively when she was just a baby: my personal growth was not separate from hers.

With that reaffirmed intentionality, our relationship healed and grew strong again. We even successfully navigated a mother-daughter trip to Europe! Most importantly, though, as she grew up and my life expanded (I wrote a book, had a wedding, and moved to Hawai’i!) we had practiced the communication patterns we needed to continue our co-evolution and mother-daughter partnership into adulthood.

Opening the lines of communication for you, too.
On the other side of those years, I began to see a framework for how our teens natural striving for individuation can become an opportunity for our own growth. And I realized how much easier it could be with the regular a support of likeminded parents.
I’ve been helping parents connect more meaningfully with their children for over a decade now, and actively applying my teaching with my pre-teen son. (That’s its own unique and marvelous experience.) And I’m on a quest to make sure that my life lessons can be of use to others.

Let’s support one another to enjoy the teen years together – with confidence, openness, and empathy between mother and daughter.  I stand with you in this effort and am honored to walk with you in your endeavor.

My Certifications Include: 

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