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Private Sessions

For parents or teens, I help you connect with your true self, and improve connection with others.

Connected Communication

Special Mini-offer

 4 Steps to Strengthen Your Relationship With Your Tween or Teen

As a mom of a growing young woman, you need a plan! 

Are you feeling powerless as you watch your daughter shut down and drift away from you?

Worried because this all started a little sooner than you expected? 

You know you need to talk to her about the changes she’s going through and the pressures she’ll be facing, but you feel stuck. You don’t know how to get her to open up to you. 

Maybe she acts defensive and walks away before you can say much. You can’t get her off her phone without a fight. You’re so tired of her attitude!

You’ve read parenting books or listened to podcasts, but each night you feel like you just need more support to face this transition time in a healthy way.

Most of all: You want nothing more than to build a deep trusting relationship with your daughter.

Just imagine what life will be like when you can  have conversations without the power-struggles…

Picture sitting on the couch and enjoying chatting together. You’re practicing deep listening, and she is learning to trust. Where you once felt anxiety, now you feel more relaxed and confident because you know you have the keys to raising a secure, responsible person.



As a result of this package, you will…

  • Develop a new understanding of your strengths, and those of your unique child.
  • Feel confident starting engaging conversations with your daughter. 
  • Embrace challenging conversations in a way that promotes growth and learning. 
  • Be able to avoid negative communication patterns.

Gain powerful tools for creating a deep connection with your daughter. This program has three parts. We’ll start our work together by determining your character strengths. Then, we’ll begin our coaching journey with a 90-minute individualized 1:1 session, and reconnect about a week later to adjust and set you up for continued success! Here are the details of what’s included when we work together:

Stage 1: Find Your Strengths

Understanding yourself and your unique child in a new way can help you be more strategic in your communication. In this first step, I will give you all the materials you need and step-by-step instructions to help you discover your top character strengths, and those of your child. You’ll be able to re-use this information in many other areas of your life as well. 

Stage 2: Activation

In this potent 90-minute one-on-one session, I’ll guide you through a creative ritual process of inner reflection and activation of your true parenting gifts. Then we will look at the science, and learn a simple 3-step practice for incorporating strengths-based knowledge into your parenting moments. You’ll leave our session feeling confident to communicate with your child in a connected way.

Stage 3: Setting Anchor

In your 30 minute follow-up session, we’ll celebrate your successes and brainstorm through your challenges. We will outline what you need to anchor-in this learning, so you can connect no matter what!

Here are some responses I’ve had so far:

“I love your gentle approach towards moving forward to foster a deeper and powerful connection between a mother and daughter. I gained new perspectives on our relationship, and I followed-up with your suggestions for fun activities with her. Thank you so much for offering this Connected Journey offer.”

~ Jaspreet Kaur


“I knew my daughter was wanting something more from me energetically, but I wasn’t sure what more I could do. We were at a bit of a wall. Through the focus on strengths and connected communication, I was able to give her constructive, focused energy that she could feel was deeper than before. She has responded by being more willing to take initiative in helping, willing to try harder. She even made me dinner the other night when I was feeling low.”

~ Mariah Mann

Let’s Get Started!


I know how important it is for you to connect positively with your daughter and maintain open communication. I can help give you the tools you need to empower her as she navigates these challenging times.


Ready to work With Me?

Great! Here’s How To Get Started:

  1. Register below & make the $90 investment in your relationship. 
  2. Check your inbox for your welcome email from elviradibrigit@gmail.com, that includes access to your pre-session work. Following this, you’ll be able to book your coaching call.

      I look forward to connecting with you!

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